Investigación, consultoría y entrenamiento en Psicología Industrial para America Latina.

Recomendaciones profesionales internacionales

Principal | Philosophy - Filosofía | CV Profesionales / Professional CV | Certificación APA / Certificates APA | Idea principal | Servicios profesionales | Recomendaciones profesionales internacionales | Experiencia | Misión SIOP | Definición de Psicología Industrial | Links I - O | La Enseñanza de la Psicología Industrial en América / Teaching I-O in Latinamérica | Alianzas | División Psicología Internacional | Psicólogos Industriales Famosos | Noticias / News (2002 - 2019) | Topics of analysis / Tópicos de análisis | Discutiendo técnicas / Discussing techniques | Contacto | Chilean psychology and chilean masonry against Industrial-Organizational Psychology | Erratic ignorance | Erratica ignorancia

Objetivo.- Demostrar recomendaciones profesionales  especialistas.

a. Referencias y misivas desde importantes miembros de A.P.A.:

a.1.- Recomendaciones RECIBIDAS (inglés/español).-

Asunto: Referencias profesionales de ex-presidente del Comité de Práctica Profesional de la Sociedad de Psicólogos Industriales y Organizacionales.

Yo he conocido Sr. Abel Gallardo Olcay por más de dos años. Como estoy seguro que él le ha mencionado, él es un miembro de la Sociedad para la Psicología Industrial y Organizacional (SIOP), a través de esa afiliación es que yo vine a conocerlo. Yo soy, quien preside el Comité de la Práctica Profesional y además soy miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de SIOP. Yo me honro para conocer Sr. Gallardo Olcay. Él ha sido un miembro muy activo de SIOP, sirviendo en varios comités y proporcionando ingreso a algunos otros. Él nos proporciona actualmente información muy importante con respecto al estado de la práctica profesional I-O en Chile.

Mis comunicaciones con el Sr. Gallardo Olcay me han llevado creer que él es un Psicólogo Industrial y Organizacional excelente. Su escritura muestra que él tiene una pasión genuina por esta ciencia, además de demostrar su adhesión a la mejor práctica de nuestra ciencia. Yo creo que él lo servirá de tal manera que los beneficios excederán sus inversiones grandemente en su trabajo.

Sr. Olcay parece ser un pionero en Chile, extendiendo la palabra sobre investigación que ha llevado a las organizaciones mundiales a prosperar en la aplicación práctica de principios que derivan de la investigación. Él es sumamente persistente en sus esfuerzos. Nosotros estamos orgullosos de estar asociados con él, y en sus esfuerzos profesionales. Yo lo recomiendo favorablemente para la posición en su organización.

Si usted debe contratar Sr. Olcay, mi única recomendación es que usted le proporcione la ayuda asimilando a su cultura de la compañía de tal una manera que él no sea rechazado por otros gerentes. Su persistencia y entusiasmo probablemente se aceptarán por muchos, pero otros pueden ser escépticos. Él puede necesitar que un campeón interior le ayude a ganarle a estos gerentes.

Por favor siéntase libre para avisarme con sus preguntas. De nuevo, yo recomiendo Sr. Gallardo Olcay favorablemente para su posición.

Mark Schmit, SIOP Professional Practice Committee Chair "
(Versión en inglés)

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Schmit (Chair of Professional Practice of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology).
To: Cliente N/N
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 11:55 PM
Subject: RE: Somes pro references about a member

Dear Mr. (...private...),

I have known Mr. Abel Gallardo Olcay for over two years. As I am sure he has told you, he has been a member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). It was through that affiliation that I came to know him. I am the Chair of the Professional Practice Committee and a member of the executive committee of SIOP. I am honored to know Mr. Olcay. He has been a very active member of SIOP, serving on several committees and providing input to several others. He currently provides us with very important information regarding the state of professional practice in Chile.

My communications with Mr. Olcay have led me to believe that he is an outstanding Industrial and Organizational Psychologist. His writing shows that he has a genuine passion for this science, in addition to demonstrating his adherence to the best practice of our science. I believe that he will serve you in such a way that the benefits will greatly exceed your investments in his work.

Mr. Olcay appears to be a pioneer in Chile, spreading the word about research that has led organizations world-wide to prosper from the practical application of principles derived from this research. He is extremely persistent in his efforts. We are proud to be associated with him in his professional endeavors. I highly recommend him for the position in your organization.

If you should hire Mr. Olcay, my only recommendation is that you provide him with assistance in assimilating to your company culture in such a way that he is not rejected by other managers. His persistence and enthusiasm will likely be accepted by many, but others may be skeptical. He may need an internal champion to help him win over these managers.

Please feel free to contact me with your questions. Again, I highly recommend Mr. Olcay for your position.

Mark Schmit

Mark J. Schmit, Ph.D.
Senior Testifying Expert
SHL USA Litigation Support Group
2555 55th Street, Suite 201D
Boulder, CO 80303
Direct: 303-998-4310
Fax: 303-442-1184
Cell: 303-521-3190

----- Original Message -----
From: Lee Hakel (Administrative Director of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology).
To: Cliente
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 5:19 PM
Subject: RE: We look for references about one member

It is my pleasure to respond to your request.

Mr. Abel Gallardo is an International Affiliate of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, one of only 4 members from Chile. He joined the Society after completing his master's degree in 1999.

Abel takes an active role in the Society and has even served on the Membership Committee. He is interested in more international cooperation within the field and has sought to recruit new members to the Society. These activities have brought him in touch with the Society leadership, with whom he has exchanged ideas for the application of scientific principles to human resource management in Chile.

I know that Abel is concerned about raising the professionalism of management psychologists in Chile and he serves as a bridge for information between the US and Chile. To this end, he keeps himself well informed.

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Inc has about 6,400 members. Most of the membership lives in the United States, but we have large concentrations of members in Europe, Asia and Australia. You can find out a great deal more about this organization from our Web site:

If I can be of any other service, please let me know.

Lee Hakel
Director, SIOP Administrative Office
520 Ordway Ave
P O Box 87
Bowling Green OH 43402
(419) 353-0032 phone
(419) 352-2645 fax

a.2. Misiva del presidente SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology), con relación a la investigación aplicada y grupos profesionales en latinoamérica.-

De: Michael Burke (SIOP President, Div. 14; APA)
Fecha: Monday, December 29, 2003 13:32:50
A: Abel Gallardo Olcay, Consultor Corporativo
CC: Mark Schmit; dmaranto@APA.ORG; Jayne, Michelle \(Chair Membership Committee SIOP\); Lee Hakel
Asunto: RE: Happy new year (and the last chilean news)

Dear Abel,
...I should note that we are attempting to encourage membership in SIOP on the behalf of other Ph.D.'s trained in I/O psychology who reside in Mexico and South American countries. As this effort progresses over the next several months, I will update you on our progress as well as provide you with the contacts that we have developed. Perhaps there may some mutual interest on your and their behalf in organizing a local interest group.
Also, during the 2004-2005 academic year, I will be bringing a group of faculty from South American and Mexican universities (trained in I/O psychology and OB) to Tulane University for a two-three day consortium. The intent of the consortium will be to discuss mutual research interests, and plan research projects within the Americas. Please let me know if you have interest in this meeting and would like more information as plans for the meeting develop.

Happy New Year!